Weather Alerts
Subscribe to WX Alerts by filling out the following form. If you wish to receive the alerts to your cell phone, enter your phone’s MMS address (not text (SMS) message address) in the fields below to subscribe.
If you are on AT&T, your MMS address is:
If you are on Sprint, your MMS address is:
If you are on Verizon, your MMS address is:
Addresses for other providers can be found Here (remember you want the MMS address).
You will receive a text message with a link you must click to confirm that you have the correct address and wish to subscribe. If you have difficulty, please email .
Remember that this service is in beta testing mode at this time. This service may go down during a power or internet outage, and may be delayed in getting to you due to slow email servers and overloaded cell phone servers. Always have multiple ways of receiving emergency messages from the National Weather Service. DO NOT RELY ON THIS SERVICE FOR LIFE OR DEATH DECISIONS. NO WARRANTY IS GIVEN THAT THIS SERVICE WILL WORK DURING AN EMERGENCY.